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gesundes Essen


"Beauty is not a gift, but the sum of natural radiance,

personal style and competent care” – Germaine Monteil

Canceling Nutrition and Weight Management ®

We support your metabolic processes with individually targeted nutrition. 

This is how we bring vitality, mobility and well-being back into your everyday life.

At Balance Vitalis you will experience in an informal and trusting atmosphere,

what helps you!

Find out how you and your family can happily make yourself and your family suitable for everyday use, natural and balanced 

can feed.

With us you will develop a new healthy nutritional awareness!


Gaining and losing weight naturally is always a big topic for many people. 

Good advice and support are very important!

We identify your nutritional deficits and go into detail about the various   imbalances in your body.

Canceling Nutrition and Weight Management ®

We support your metabolic processes with individually targeted nutrition. 

This is how we bring vitality, mobility and well-being back into your everyday life.

At Balance Vitalis you will experience in an informal and trusting atmosphere,

what helps you!

Find out how you and your family can happily make yourself and your family suitable for everyday use, natural and balanced 

can feed.

With us you will develop a new healthy nutritional awareness!


Gaining and losing weight naturally is always a big topic for many people. 

Good advice and support are very important!

We identify your nutritional deficits and go into detail about the various   imbalances in your body.

​EPD-metabolic therapy®

The EPD-metabolic therapy® is suitable for you, ...

     ... to deeply detoxify, regulate hormones and boost your metabolism


     ... to effectively reduce the depot fat, even if you have already made several "diet" attempts

         hinter Dir hast.

     ... for increased high blood pressure and / or increased cholesterol levels.

     ... in diabetes I and II , insulin resistance or a preliminary stage of diabetes.

     ... if you are often tired and listless, the therapy provides more vitality and_cc74c-de-31-95c-de-31 bb3b-136bad5cf58d_


     ... for health prevention and to build up your immune system.

With the efficient EPD®-metabolic therapy you control your optimal body balance.


Mit der effizienten EPD®-Stoffwechseltherapie steuern Sie in Ihre optimale Körperbalance.
Ihnen und Ihrem Körper fehlt während der Gewichtsreduktion mit dem EPD® Programm nichts –

außer den Kilos! Ihr Wohlbefinden bleibt!

The benefits of the EPD® nutritional program

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     -  Deine gute Laune bleibt erhalten und es gibt messbare Erfolge schon nach 21 days

HCK® micronutrients made to measure

Micronutrients are essential for life, a deficiency can lead to metabolic disorders and

lead to chronic diseases and such a deficiency must therefore absolutely

be compensated. 

The colloidal HCK® micronutrients are specially tailored to your own needs!

With a spoonful of granules of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, bioflavonoids and amino acids from  plant-based biological production you support your healthy lifestyle.

LIPOLAS® weight reduction

LIPOLAS weight reduction is a combination of various manual, technical applications and stimulating nutritional concepts.

It is used to shape the figure and specifically removes fat deposits in unwanted areas. At the same time, the specially targeted muscle groups are trained and the metabolism is stimulated. With this method, the fat pads in the treated areas are dissolved and transported away.

The benefits of the EPD® nutritional program

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     - - -_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d

     -  Deine gute Laune bleibt erhalten und es gibt messbare Erfolge schon nach 21 days

LIPOLAS® weight reduction

LIPOLAS weight reduction is a combination of various manual, technical applications and stimulating nutritional concepts.

It is used to shape the figure and specifically removes fat deposits in unwanted areas. At the same time, the specially targeted muscle groups are trained and the metabolism is stimulated. With this method, the fat pads in the treated areas are dissolved and transported away.

Image by Alison Marras

The benefits of the EPD® nutritional program

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     - - -_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d

     -  Deine gute Laune bleibt erhalten und es gibt messbare Erfolge schon nach 21 days

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